Construction work at
the Willow Street/Riverside Drive intersection, which includes the Route 2 East
Exit 5 off-ramp and West on-ramp, is expected to continue into September. This
may affect campus access to Goodwin College students and employees and parents
of Connecticut River Academy (CTRA) and Riverside Magnet School (RMS).
Following are tips for navigating the neighborhood. Access may change daily
depending on the construction. Use these general guidelines, but watch for
on-site signage with specific instructions. The construction company will
attempt to time setting up detours after 8 a.m. and removing them by 3 p.m.
each day. This should help with school buses and parents transporting students
to and from CTRA and RMS.
Detour – If Riverside Drive is closed coming off Route 2 East: Turn left off
exit and proceed to light. Turn right on Main Street. Go to second traffic
light; turn right onto Ensign Street. Proceed down Ensign Street. Turn left
onto Willowbrook for RMS (pre-K to grade 1). Turn left on Riverside Drive for
RMS (grades 2 & 3) and Goodwin College. Turn right onto Riverside Drive for
Detour – If Riverside Drive is closed to access Route 2 West: Turn onto Ensign
Street. Proceed to Main Street and turn left. Go to second traffic light and
turn left onto Willow Street. Proceed on Willow; entrance to Route 2 West is on